Thursday, August 23, 2007

USC Rag Dance 07

USC Rag Dance 07 was a breakthrough for most of us.
See it for yourself at YouTube.

Uploaded on Youtube...
Or you can just search "Ragston" at YouTube. =)

Photos can be found at

It's a megascale project so far, which immense pressure and responsibilities on the construction engineers and dancers as well. Many of us have worked through countless days and nights during our precious holidays, putting in everything we have for our performance. Engineers staying over in Chatterbox for the larger part of each week, literally giving their lives for rag... Dancers practising every day regardless of day and night - insane trainings at odd hours, the rag head losing sleep over administration matters and dance choreography... Lots of money spent...

Was it worth it? Was it meaningful?
I guess only people who have been through that would know.

It might seem to be a giant waste of time, energy and materials. It translates to hundreds of thousands of lost productivity of university undergraduates. It is not about recycling or reducing and reusing waste. It's not so much about putting up a show for the public as well. What is rag all about then? Does it have any meaning?

It seems like a difficult question. But it's really simple.
The answer you seek lies in your heart, and you know you can't deny it as well.


Blogger SithSlayer said...

That was really impressive.. Can see lots of effort put into the it.. Woo! U people really deserved the credit.. So is ur blog too! I love the way u organise ur things... =D

August 25, 2007 at 10:42 AM  

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